2024 Calendar


May 17  Meet and Greet (Indoors)
June 21 (Outdoors)
July 19 (Outdoors)
Aug 16 (Outdoors)
Sept 20 AGM (Indoors)
Outdoor socials will be held in Queen Elizabeth Park adjacent to the courts.
Indoor socials will be held at Vancouver Unitarian Church (Main Hall) – 949 West 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC


No matter what your level, or if you’ve never played in a tournament before – you’ll want to join in the fun of tournament play set up on these QETC club nights. 
Be sure to mark these NEW dates in your calendar!
  • Friday June 14
  • Friday July 12
  • Friday Aug 9
  • Friday Sept 6

Tournament Format Overview:

June 14 – Mixed doubles with random partner selection
July 12 – Separate men’s and women’s tournaments with random partner selection
Aug 9 – Mixed doubles team event
Sept 6 – Separate men’s and women’s team event
Details of each Tournament and Social will be emailed to members prior to the events.


(Update Aug 2024) The weather cooperated well on Aug 27 for the last day of the Ball Machine operation.  Too bad the machine imploded but the lemonade was we had an extended session of the popular 2-on-1 netplay drill.  A big thank you to all the participant players and volunteers for a successful Ball Machine season.  We will be looking into the recovery surgery needed to fix the machine. Stay tuned for another Ball Machine operation next season.

The Ball Machine operation will go as follows:

  1. 5:30 – 7:30 on Tuesdays with absolutely good weather.
  2. To allow for uninterrupted play on court 16 at 5pm we will start the set up at 5:30. We appreciate volunteers to help in the set up (Thank you Vivien for last Tuesday)
  3. We will take down at 7:15 so that the court is free for the 7:30 session.
  4. Typical operation is 5:45 – 6:45 Baseline rally followed by 6:45 – 7:15 Volley and other shots. Last year we had on average 4-16 people participating, best court utilization.

QETC is likely the only recreational tennis club that has a ball machine and we encourage players of all levels to take advantage of this facility. We suggest spending a half-hour session every Tuesday.  Novice players can develop muscle memory with practice. Intermediate players can set a target: backhand slices, angle volleys, offensive lobs, etc.  You will surprise yourself after a season of practice! Advanced players are also welcome to practice and demonstrate proper stroke techniques.